Cybility Savvy
Cybility Savvy
E23- Corporate Governance in the Cyber Age
In this episode, Michala Liavaag talks with Clare McGill Sharpe, about the current challenges facing corporate governance and cybersecurity in a global charity context.
Clare works as the Corporate Governance Manager at the charity Sightsavers, and volunteers as a trustee at the Brighton Yoga Foundation.
Clare’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clare-mcgill-532869199/
👉 Cited in this episode:
Civil society news: https://bit.ly/Cybility2CivSocNews
Directory of social change: https://bit.ly/Cybility2DSocChange
NCVO: https://bit.ly/Cybility2NCVO
Getting on board: https://bit.ly/Cybility2gob
Charity commission: https://bit.ly/Cybility2CharityCom
Brighton Yoga Foundation: https://bit.ly/Cybility2BrightonYoga
Book: boards that make a difference https://bit.ly/Cybility2Clarebk2
Book: The charity’s trustees handbook https://bit.ly/Cybility2Clarebk1
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✍🏾Written and produced by Michala Liavaag
🎦Co-produced and edited by Ana Garner video
🎵Music by CFO Garner